Delegation Toolkit

Viem Client Quickstart

In the following example, two DeleGator accounts are created (the "delegate" in the background when the page loads and the "delegator" when the "Create DeleGator Account" is pressed). Note: a random salt is used each time an account is created, so even if you've deployed one in the past, a new one will be created.

Full control is then delegated from the "delegator" to the "delegate", via a signed Delegation.

Before the Delegation can be used, the "delegator" account must be deployed. The "delegate" may be deployed as part of the UserOp used to redeem the delegation.

The "delegate" then invokes this delegation to transfer 0 ETH (given the account has no balance). This is sent to the bundler, via a signed User Operation, where it is settled on-chain.


Delegate: NA
Delegator: NA





Made with ❤️ by the Delegator Team